I promise it won't always be this self-centered please believe me when I say that to you
As any young intellectual middle class American, I do a lot of critical thinking crap. Mostly I use the powers bestowed upon me by the Ivory Tower to justify my attachments to pop culture. For instance: I am happy if I can come up with a cogent argument as to why The Rocketeer is a provocative, culturally important achievement in cinema history. AKA I am any sucker with a blog and an ego. I like to think when the Ivory Tower gave me the power of bullshit I mean critical thinking they did so in the Uncle Ben way, looking at me square in the eyes man-to-man and telling me that with great power comes yadda yadda. Then I, at the time oblivious to the clear foreshadowing and appearantly omniscent nature of uncle ben, go out and wrestle Randy Savage while uncle ben gets capped. Metaphorically.
This then is my obligatory first post treatise: I will not fill this blog with culturally elitist fallderal in an attempt to prove my smarter-and-hipper-than-you sensibilities. Rather, I will fill this blog with culturally elitist fallderal that tries to have a sense of humor about how silly it is to think I know a thing. Mostly I just need to stretch my brain muscle but I don't want to come off as a jackass in so doing. If I ever come across as a jackass you have my permission to tell me to can it, although I promise I will ignore you.